Sunday, 14 December 2008
Holy crap, I'm going home!!!
Ok, I realize it's been over a month since my last post, but my excuses are the same old, exams, moving, social engagements, papers, etc. I'm just writing to tell you, there will be more to come when I go home this week. I'm heading out on Wednesday morning (bright and early at 5:50am!) and I'll be back in Ottawa around 1:30pm. Watch out Ottawa, I'M COMING HOME!!!!
Monday, 10 November 2008
Sunday was church, and lots of people weren't there (presumably still recovering from the dance). We had a really great lesson in Relief Society about the Second Coming and I was greatful for it, since I realized I have been focusing lately on what's right in front of me instead of the big picture. This lesson made me realize that and I felt a little ashamed that I've been so self-absorbed.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Halloween and Callings
I went to the dance at the church where there were so many people it was practially a mosh pit. Totally awesome though. The people who won the best costume contest were these two guys who were robots (Iron Man style) on stilts painted silver. They were amazing! I only wish I had gotten pictures.
In other news, I had another miraculous answer to my prayers. I've been getting a litte frustrated with being here since nothing big had happened yet. SO, today being fast Sunday, I got on my knees this morning and started my fast asking for a calling at church or something to reassure me that being here was right. Not ten minutes later, I got a phone call from the bishop's secretary asking me if I could meet with him today.
I almost cried right then and there because it was so fast! I was so grateful. Then meeting with the bishop, my call was unexpected. I thought maybe I'd be a teacher in Relief Society or Sunday School (since they desperately need them), but instead, I was called as Enrichment leader! I'm actually really excited for this calling and I look forward to getting started! I basically get to organize fun stuff for the women of our ward to do, and it can be as often as I want it to be! Super awesome. I never would have expected this calling, but I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me a calling.
Personally, I never turn down a calling, no matter what it is. I believe that you're called to do something in the church because it's what the Lord wants you to do. Even if you don't like it, or don't have any idea what to do, you still take it and learn from it. That being said, I'm going to try really hard to make this calling work for me and I hope that I can help a few people along the way.
Until next time,
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Institute and My Personal Story
In August of 2007 I was working in Fort McMurray, Alberta and I had about 2 weeks left before I was supposed to start school. I wasn't enrolled in all the classes I was supposed to be, I felt hesitant to live at home again and it just didn't feel right. I remember that I was sitting on my bed in camp, thinking about school when this thought came to my mind "you're not supposed to go back to school". I shrugged it off and thought, why not? I have to finish school so I can get a job. "Don't go back to school" the thought came stronger this time. I felt so conflicted and knew that I'd be upsetting some people by doing so, but I finally prayed about it and felt that it was the right thing to do.
I dropped out of the few classes I was enrolled in, I asked my foreman if I could stay on until October and then I did the hardest thing of all, I called my mom. She didn't understand why I wanted to take the year off and all I could say is "it's what I'm supposed to do". So, I went home, got my car and headed back out west to work. When I came back home at the end of October, I prayed about what to do next. No answer came so I just did what I thought was best. I got a job in Ottawa, I applied to transfer to another university (Lethbridge was the only one that came to mind and the only one I applied to) and just lived my life. I got my acceptance letter on Christmas eve and my plan was set for Lethbridge.
Once I knew I was coming here, I kept praying and asking for confirmation that it was the right thing to do. Still no answer, so I continued with my plans and not until the week before I left did I get my confirmation. I went to get a priesthood blessing, like I usually do before school starts, and so many things were promised to me about coming out here. It said that there were people out here waiting for me and people I need to help. It promised that I'd excell in my classes and that the Lord would be with me every step of the journey. There were other things too, but they're a little personal.
So with that blessing, I came out here knowing this is where I'm supposed to be. I'd been feeling down lately because nothing has happened here yet, and what Brother Reid said was exactly how I was feeling and the circumstances behind me coming out here. If he was saying that to more people than just me, then there is definately a reason we're here. It's the impatience that's driving me nuts, because I want some kind of indication of what is to come. I just need to have faith that my priesthood blessing will come to pass, but in God's time and not mine. For now I need to "...excercise faith in the redemption of him who created [me]" (Alma 5:15) and remember that "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish the thing which he commandeth them" (1 Nephi 3:7).
Working on a change of heart,
Monday, 20 October 2008
Wedding Madness!!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Thanksgiving in Leader
On Sunday we went to the dunes and got some sand for Lyd and Mike's wedding centrepieces. Again, a lot of eating and laughing (a LOT of laughing) and lots of wedding plan discussions.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Conference Overview
I felt the overall themes of conference were the importance of missionary work, hope, optimism, and courage. From the saturday and Sunday morning sessions, 4 talks were on missionary work. Even the prophet asked us to pray to the Lord that those countries where the Gospel is not allowed to be preached, may be opened unto us that our work may spread to all the corners of the earth. When the prophet asks you to do something, you do it. That's my philosophy anyway.
The various themes I mentioned can be summed up in a few short, but meaningful phrases.
"You don't know everything, but you know enough" (Neil L. Anderson of the 70)
you may not know everything there is to know about God's plan, or about the Gospel, but more often than not, you know enough. Faith is not only a feeling, it is a decision. We need to choose to have faith before that faith becomes real.
"the infinite power of hope" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf 2nd counsellor in the 1st presidency)
Hope is not knowledge, but abiding trust that God will bless us. Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. You have two different types of hope: hope in something and hope for something. You hope for future events (maybe completion of an education, finding a new job, getting married, having kids, travelling etc). You have hope in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Atonement, the goodness of God, the manifestations of the Spirit, and that God will answer our prayers. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith.
"A great day of unity is coming" (Henry B. Eyring 1st counsellor in the 1st presidency)
Families need to pray together. In doing so, they knit their hearts together in unity and oneness of purpose. We need to meet together often in those places God has provided for us. Revelation is the only way to know how to follow the will of the Lord together. Be humble, pride is the hinderance of unity. Speak well of one another and be generous in your judgements.
"nothing is as constant as change" (Thomas S. Monson President of the church)
Our lives are always changing. If you keep putting off something until tomorrow, your life will be filled with a lot of empty yesterdays. Find joy in the journey NOW! Rather than dwelling on the past, look forward to today. "They do not love that do not show their love". We need to tell those we love that we love them on a regular basis. Whatever God gives to you, whether it be trial or blessing, take it! and with happy heart. "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -1 thessalonians 5:18.
These are what stuck with me and I hope that you are inspired to look up the full talks and read them. They will be available on tomorrow.
Until next time,
Conference and Music
Secondly, for those of you who aren't LDS, there was a world-wide general broadcast for all Latter-Day Saints this past weekend. It was broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah (church world headquarters) via satellite, internet, cable and radio to countries all around the world. It is something we only do twice a year; the first weekend in April and the first weekend in October. During this conference, various leaders of the church (apostles, seventies, the prophet, and others) prepare talks about subjects they pray about and deem to be appropriate.
So, that being said, I went to two sessions of conference (broadcast to the church) and watched a third online. There are five in total (one is a priesthood session). I always take notes, even though I know the talks will be transcribed, just so I remember what impressed me when listening to it. I also always write down the music that is sung. From the two sessions I watched at the church, these are the hymns that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang:
High on the Mountain Top (one of my favourites of theirs)
Redeemer of Israel
Oh, May my soul Commune with Thee
Come ye Children of the Lord
Do What is right
O, Thou Kind and Gracious Father
I need Thee Every Hour
Now Let us Rejoice
I know that My Redeemer Lives
Oh What Songs of the Heart
I Feel My Saviour's Love (a personal favourite)
Rejoice the Lord is King
(and I missed the last one...)
The fact that each hymn is about 4 minutes long, and they sing 6-7 hymns per session, that works out to about 24-28 minutes devoted to music, not including music and the spoken word the half hour before conference. 1/4 of our general conference is devoted to music. If that doesn't say something of its importance, I don't know what will.
I'm not just saying this as a music major, I really believe that music is something that can express what words fail to do. One of my favourite sayings about music is "Music is a Universal language". I love that quote because it's so true. You can communicate feeling with music, even if there aren't any words.
I had to go to a voice masterclass today (a masterclass is where 5 people each sing one song and then the voice teachers critique their performance and work with them each for 20 minutes trying to improve their sound and anything else they deem necessary) and even though 3 of the 5 performers weren't all that great, seeing them really connect with what the teachers were getting them to do and really having their sound improve was so exciting to me!
I was literally on the edge of my seat and waiting for the beautiful sound to come through. It put me in such a good mood that I haven't been able to stop smiling all evening. So, in conclusion, I just want to say that seeking after music that uplifts and is pleasing to the ear is something that will raise your spirit and make you happy, if you let it.
I have the tendancy to be so involved in the emotion behind the music that I feel so exposed when performing because I'm showing emotion that I normally wouldn't. Music is a release of those feelings and a safe place to let them show through the medium of another character. Music is an amazing thing and I'm so grateful that I'm in the program I am. Lastly, I want to close with a quote that Elder Dallin H. Oaks said in his conference talk, he said "the song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Lord". Think of that the next time you feel the urge to break into song.
Until next time,
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Onto new ground
As for my social life, I'm actually starting to spend time with people! Tonight I'm supposed to hang out with Lydia and Mike, maybe go mini-golfing and have some dinner. I also have a friend from work (she is one of the ones who quit, but we keep in touch) who wants to do an Anne of Green Gables marathon, since she got all the dvds for her birthday last week. Totally awesome.
Until next time,
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
The Next Installment
So I thought to myself, how can I take institute unless I quit my job? How can I pay for school unless I keep my job? I fasted on Sunday specifically about what I should do about my money situation. I didn't get a specific answer but I decided to apply for an extension on my loan. In answer to my dilemma, less than a day later (this process usually takes 2 weeks) I got an e-mail from the bank approving my loan. So, in answer to my prayer, I got an extension on a loan so I don't have to work and can attend institute.
The only problem is that everyone else at work is quitting too. There are 4 other people that are quitting or have already quit. My manager even called me to day to make sure everything was going ok. I see that as the adversary trying to sway me from what I'm supposed to do. I'm trying really hard not to feel bad about quitting, so I made a compromise. I'll stay until the 11th. I'm going to drop off my resignation letter tonight and we'll see how Netty takes it. She yelled at the others who quit and threatened to blacklist them with all the other businesses in Lethbridge. If that doesn't say something about her (being the Nazi boss) I don't know what will. So you can see my reluctance in quitting. But I feel it's for the best and so off I go to hand in my resignation.
Wish me luck!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Time Flies...
Sorry for the short update, but I need food before the masterclass.
Until next time,
Sunday, 21 September 2008
A Day of Rest
I got to meet quite a few people that were in my ward, since we all did the sessions together. Those of us going to the 1pm session, met at the church at 11:30 to carpool and go together. I had two people in my car. One was this really nice girl, Lisa, who was fresh off her mission, and is originally from Edmonton. She's living there now and is studying massage therapy. I thought that was really neat.
The other person with me, was Neil. He's pretty quiet so I didn't find out too much from him. I think he's studying at U of L also though. We hung out a little at the Stake centre where they had food for everyone participating in our Stake temple day. It's awesome to have a temple so close by that we can visit so often.
Today I went to my new ward for the second time. This part may sound corny, but in Relief Society, we have this thing where you can write someone an anonymous note and the presidency will deliver it to them and someone wrote me this:
It really cheered me up and made me realize that I already have a few new friends in the ward. I'm slowly learning people's names and I joined our ward choir today, so that will be a great opportunity to get to know more people. I'm also joining the Institute choir, which meets tonight for the first time. I'm really excited.
Today marks three weeks that I've been in Lethbridge. Has it really been that long? I can't believe it! Time has flown by and I already feel so comfortable here. I'm so grateful that things are going so well and that things in my life are finally starting to turn around and change for the better. I look forward to having more news to report to you all, but until then, keep smiling!
Friday, 19 September 2008
Week 2
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Lies and Deceptions
Monday, 15 September 2008
Music and History
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Dinner at the Kyle's
We chatted about Ottawa and some of us had never met each other, but we had common friends that we told stories about and we shared all the Ottawa gossip and who was getting married, who got back from their missions etc. It was some really good conversation. It was the most at home I've felt so far. But I guess that's just the spirit that the Kyles invite into their home.
We also had stake conference this morning and it was huge! We had the stake centre full from the chapel, all the way to the back of the cultural hall. PLUS we had an overflow building at Jerry Potts where it was being broadcast from the stake centre. Talk about a huge stake! As for the rest of today, I just spent the last hour and a half looking up videos and pictures of the new Twilight movie. Productive, I know. Only 67 days left!! I actually can't wait.
I have oodles of homework and practicing left to do, so I'll get on with that.
Happy reading,
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Coulees and Pancakes
That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care
Friday, 12 September 2008
As for work, I'm bascially working for the Subway Nazi's. They are so strict and obsessive about everything! It drives me nuts, and I've only been working for 2 days. Hopefully I'll be closing soon so that'll be a step better because I don't have that much to do as a closer.
This weekend, I don't have much planned, but there's a pancake breakfast at the church tomorrow morning that I might go to. Save me a few bucks for breakfast. :) Students are always happy for any free food!
There's not much else to report at this time, but I just want to say to those who are actually reading this, I hope you enjoy my inane messages and things. Despite my complaining, I'm having a really great time here so no need to worry!
happy reading!
Thursday, 11 September 2008
A New Start
Well, as most of you know, I have moved out to Lethbridge, Alberta and have started school at the university of Lethbridge.
So far it's been a pretty smooth ride. I've managed to somehow make sense of an entirely different educational system and am doing ok for the time being. My new house is pretty nice. I'm living with 2 guys and a girl. They're names are Mickey, John, and Kalysha. So far no one's gotten on each other's nerves too much.
I started work yesterday and guess what? I'm working at Subway again! It's also run completely differently and it's really strict, so I'm not sure if I'm going to stay or not. I figure I'll ride it out until another, better job comes along...I hope.
I'm so sick of working there, but they were desperate for people and I'm desperate for money, so it all works out I guess.
I've only been to church once so far, but it seemed nice enough. I'd rather get a calling right away so that I'm forced to be thrown into it, but I don't know if that's going to happen. For now, I'm trying my best to get all my school work done and practice the 3 instruments I'm learning/improving on this semester.
I don't know if anyone's even going to read this, but it's fun for me to do. Enjoy!