Monday 15 September 2008

Music and History

Today, I got up early, did my homework assignment for theory class (which I actually felt good about), and went to theory class. I went to brass and percussion class, where I learned how to tongue properly on a brass instrument, that was intriguing. Then I had my voice lesson and it went really well. My teacher says that she loves the sound quality of my voice and we're already working hard to improve my pronounciations and technique. For the first time, I'm actually excited about singing classical music.

The only class I'm worried about and that I really don't enjoy is my music history class. It is so monotonous and I'm really not interested in history, so I find it difficult to listen attentively. Even when I do, I feel discouraged because the Prof talks to us like we're supposed to know all this terminology he's using and know of all the examples he's given us. It's a headache class, and I can't get motivated in it. Don't know what I'm going to do about that one.

As for the rest of the day, I'm relaxing this afternoon, maybe taking a nap, before I go to work tonight. I'm closing for the first time by myself, so hopefully I won't mess it up! That's all for now folks!


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