Friday 12 September 2008


I'm so excited for the weekend! I am officially done my first full week of classes and I survived! I thought I was doing badly in theory but I got my last assignment back and ot a 96% so that can't be a bad thing.

As for work, I'm bascially working for the Subway Nazi's. They are so strict and obsessive about everything! It drives me nuts, and I've only been working for 2 days. Hopefully I'll be closing soon so that'll be a step better because I don't have that much to do as a closer.

This weekend, I don't have much planned, but there's a pancake breakfast at the church tomorrow morning that I might go to. Save me a few bucks for breakfast. :) Students are always happy for any free food!

There's not much else to report at this time, but I just want to say to those who are actually reading this, I hope you enjoy my inane messages and things. Despite my complaining, I'm having a really great time here so no need to worry!

happy reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that you're doing so well. I love the layout of your blog! I want to see you someday! Yeah... I didn't like Subway too much either.