Sunday 21 September 2008

A Day of Rest

So, as I've mentioned in my last few posts, I got to go to the Cardston temple yesterday. It was my first time actually going inside of the temple and it was so beautiful. It's actually a bit smaller on the inside than Montreal, but it's a lot more colourful and has murals lining the walls in certain places. It's a lot more open than Montreal and there's not as many doors that close off places. The outside is gorgeous and I'm so glad I was able to go.

I got to meet quite a few people that were in my ward, since we all did the sessions together. Those of us going to the 1pm session, met at the church at 11:30 to carpool and go together. I had two people in my car. One was this really nice girl, Lisa, who was fresh off her mission, and is originally from Edmonton. She's living there now and is studying massage therapy. I thought that was really neat.

The other person with me, was Neil. He's pretty quiet so I didn't find out too much from him. I think he's studying at U of L also though. We hung out a little at the Stake centre where they had food for everyone participating in our Stake temple day. It's awesome to have a temple so close by that we can visit so often.

Today I went to my new ward for the second time. This part may sound corny, but in Relief Society, we have this thing where you can write someone an anonymous note and the presidency will deliver it to them and someone wrote me this:

It really cheered me up and made me realize that I already have a few new friends in the ward. I'm slowly learning people's names and I joined our ward choir today, so that will be a great opportunity to get to know more people. I'm also joining the Institute choir, which meets tonight for the first time. I'm really excited.

Today marks three weeks that I've been in Lethbridge. Has it really been that long? I can't believe it! Time has flown by and I already feel so comfortable here. I'm so grateful that things are going so well and that things in my life are finally starting to turn around and change for the better. I look forward to having more news to report to you all, but until then, keep smiling!



SAH in Suburbia said...

You're truly a blogger when you're taking pictures of letters!

Very cool Jess.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's andrew.
cardston is the same size as montreal?! you must not have seen the whole thing, because it is a pretty massive temple, i must say.

SAH in Suburbia said...

Ah yes, I just happened to look it up (because that's what I do....) and the floor space in the Cardston temple is roughly 88 000 square feet and in Montreal it's only 10 000.

So, there ya have it. A piece of trivia for you!!

Jess O said...

It seems a lot smaller. The Square footage may be bigger, but the baptistry still looks and feels smaller. Plus the change rooms are really small. The ceilings are really low in there and there isn't even a shower!