Thursday 9 October 2008

Conference Overview

Since my last post went on a little long, I needed to separate my thoughts into two posts. In this one, I want to share what particularly impressed me in conference this weekend.

I felt the overall themes of conference were the importance of missionary work, hope, optimism, and courage. From the saturday and Sunday morning sessions, 4 talks were on missionary work. Even the prophet asked us to pray to the Lord that those countries where the Gospel is not allowed to be preached, may be opened unto us that our work may spread to all the corners of the earth. When the prophet asks you to do something, you do it. That's my philosophy anyway.

The various themes I mentioned can be summed up in a few short, but meaningful phrases.

"You don't know everything, but you know enough" (Neil L. Anderson of the 70)
you may not know everything there is to know about God's plan, or about the Gospel, but more often than not, you know enough. Faith is not only a feeling, it is a decision. We need to choose to have faith before that faith becomes real.

"the infinite power of hope" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf 2nd counsellor in the 1st presidency)
Hope is not knowledge, but abiding trust that God will bless us. Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. You have two different types of hope: hope in something and hope for something. You hope for future events (maybe completion of an education, finding a new job, getting married, having kids, travelling etc). You have hope in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Atonement, the goodness of God, the manifestations of the Spirit, and that God will answer our prayers. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith.

"A great day of unity is coming" (Henry B. Eyring 1st counsellor in the 1st presidency)
Families need to pray together. In doing so, they knit their hearts together in unity and oneness of purpose. We need to meet together often in those places God has provided for us. Revelation is the only way to know how to follow the will of the Lord together. Be humble, pride is the hinderance of unity. Speak well of one another and be generous in your judgements.

"nothing is as constant as change" (Thomas S. Monson President of the church)
Our lives are always changing. If you keep putting off something until tomorrow, your life will be filled with a lot of empty yesterdays. Find joy in the journey NOW! Rather than dwelling on the past, look forward to today. "They do not love that do not show their love". We need to tell those we love that we love them on a regular basis. Whatever God gives to you, whether it be trial or blessing, take it! and with happy heart. "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -1 thessalonians 5:18.

These are what stuck with me and I hope that you are inspired to look up the full talks and read them. They will be available on tomorrow.

Until next time,

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