Monday 22 August 2011

The Lord's Tender Mercies

It's amazing the difference a week can make! I have definitely felt the hand of the Lord in my life the last week and I am so grateful.

First off, I had a job interview at Play House Learning Centre to be a music teacher there...and I got the job! I don't have and ECE certificate (Early Childhood Education) or much teaching experience with kids, but they hired me anyway and I'm so excited! I'm going to be working with 5 different classes 2 days a week. The kids are ages 18 months to 4 years so it'll be lots of fun! I'm hoping to learn some fun kids songs to sing and teach them! I start September 6th.

Second, I got called and set apart as the second counsellor in the Relief Society in the Dow's Lake ward. I'm really excited about this calling, even though I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought, well, this is great. I asked for a second job that will give me experience, and I got it. I asked for a new calling and I got it. Little did I know that wasn't the end of it.

After I got set apart for that calling yesterday, my Stake President pulled me aside and offered me another calling (if you're keeping track, we're up to 3 now!). This one is one that I wanted and had asked to do because I'm interested in getting into the program. That is, teaching seminary. I got asked to teach early-morning seminary for the combined youth of Riverside and Champlain wards. Apparently they had someone else lined up to do it, but once they heard how badly I wanted to teach and get into the C.E.S. program, they offered up their spot to me instead. Whoever they are, I am so greatful!

Basically, everything that I asked for in being back has been given to me and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for giving these things to me. I know that these experiences will help me to grow as an individual as well as a person, so I am very excited for this. I will keep you posted, but for now, I am extremely happy and nervous at teaching both little kids and teenagers. Wish me luck!

Until next time,

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Cool news, Jess!