Tuesday 6 September 2011

Growing Up?

Is there ever a point where someone feels like a grown up? I mean, I knew I was legally an adult when I turned 18 but I've never felt particularly grown up. I feel old sometimes when I realize that the little cousins I held in the hospital when they were born are now in high school and getting their driver's licenses, but I don't really feel grown up.

I still laugh at really immature things, and I act like a goof a lot of the time. So my question is, do we ever really feel our age? Does anyone ever really feel grown up?

I know that living on my own for the last 3 years and working while going to school has helped me feel more self-sufficient. I know that my understanding of the Gospel and my faith has grown significantly. I know that a lot of my experiences growing up have helped me to learn from my mistakes and try not to repeat them, but I still feel like a kid! I still go crying to my mom any time something goes wrong in my life. I still have days where all I want to do is ignore my chores and play video games. Ok, let's be honest, that's most days.

So, all of that being said, even considering marriage or having kids at this point in my life is kind of scary. I mean, yes I want those things and I'm ready for them, whenever they come, but it's scary to me that I'm at that point in my life! I see all my friends getting married and having kids and I think to myself, "Everyone's growing up!".

To my married and single friends, was there ever a point where you felt like a grown up or do you still feel really young? Are the main signposts of life (i.e. finishing school, getting married, having kids) what make that feeling grow? Or do you still live in an "I'm not old enough for this" phase?

As I get older, I see my elders not as "old" people who I can't relate to, but as collegues and peers; people who I can learn from and be friends with because of shared life experiences and understandings about the world and the Gospel. I feel like my world has opened up to be enriched by more and more amazing people as I grow older. Is that part of the process too? Just some pondering on my part.

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

I feel that way all the time. I just celebrated 8 years marriage and I still sometimes think "holy CRAP!! I'M MARRIED!!!

SAH in Suburbia said...

The first time I felt like a grown up was when I was chaperoning a youth trip and at a museum, a teenager came up to ME asking ME a question like I would know the answer. Why would I know the answer? Oh ya....I'm the grown-up....I forgot.