Wednesday 28 September 2011

Conference Challenge

Well, the feeling of discontent is gone, but has been replaced with anxious anticipation.  I've realized that whatever the Spirit is trying to tell me is not getting through, therefore, I have to change my strategies. 

Two years ago, Elder David A. Bednar came to Lethbridge to speak to the YSA.  We had a giant question and answer period for about 2 hours and it was quite an experience.  I was thinking back on it and how a session like that one helped me to grow my testimony at the time, and also the lessons I learned about revelation that day.  Here is a bit of my email to friends after the meeting:
"About halfway through Elder Bednar asked how many of us had a question when they got there (about 3/4 of the hands went up) and how many of us had our question answered even though it wasn't asked and we didn't specifically talk about it (about half of the hands stayed up).  He testified of the power of the Spirit and how it can testify to us truths that we need to know as long as we are open to hearing them.  Nothing that he said was anything that our stake president or bishop wouldn't have said, it was just the fact that he was an Apostle that it really hit home how simple our answers really are. 
He kept telling us to take a missionary copy of the Book of Mormon and, whatever question we had, mark all the scriptures that pertain to that question as you read through it.  Then compile all those scriptures and truths and make a summary of what was taught.  He said that he has bookshelves filled with missionary copies of the BoM, each copy was a different question that he had.  That amazed me.  I had some of my own questions answered that night, one of which was that I should go home for the summer.  He also kept saying that as long as we were "good boys and good girls" that things will work out in our lives in the most unexpected ways".
I would like to note that there were several hundred YSA there from all over Southern Alberta and so about 3/4 of that congregation had questions that were answered, including myself.  
So where am I going with this?  Well, I've realized that I have some questions that need to be answered and so, for this general conference, I'm going to write them down and I have faith that the Spirit will answer them during the sessions of conference.  My challenge to you is to do the same.  I know that as we are open to the messages of the Spirit that He can speak to us in that still, small voice and help us to better understand what we need to do.
Until next time,



SAH in Suburbia said...

We received the same counsel for stake conference. When I was serving in stake primary we were challenged to come to conference with a note pad, not to write notes but to write down impressions that came to us during conference. Many impressions/answers were not related to the topic spoken at all.

Jess O said...

That happens to me all the time at conference, that's why I know I can receive answers this time around. It was the same at my YSA conference last summer. It seemed to me that every topic was the same, but it wasn't; it was just the Spirit witnessing what I needed to learn.