Just wanted to post an update before I head back out to Alberta. The summer has just flown by and I can't believe school starts in 10 days! It's crazy! So I started and finished renovating my bedroom and it looks great! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I especially like the fact that I no longer have a nasty green carpet on my floor.
In other news, I'm moving into a new place in Lethbridge this year. A whole new set of 4 other girls, who I don't know, but it has like $100 cheaper rent than last year. I'm leaving this Saturday morning and starting the long 3-day drive out to Lethbridge. I'm not really looking forward to it, but it has to be done. On the bright side, my grandpa paid $1000 to repair my car so it can make the trip. The mechanic says that everything is running great and that it should go another 200,000kms before it dies. That's a relief! Maybe I'll even get the dented side door replaced eventually...
Any other news...oh, my last day of work is tomorrow! I'm sooooo happy. I'm ridiculously sick of Subway and will avoid it like the plague if I can in Lethbridge. I'm going job hunting my first week. Hopefully I'll be able to find something! If anyone knows of anything, please let me know!! :D Other than that, I'm getting my hair cut again tomorrow. I'm going short, so I'm a little scared, but excited too. I have so much packing to do and organizing, so I'd better get on it!
Until next time,