Thursday 12 January 2012

Offensive Acts of War

I don't normally write about world issues, but recently I've been listening to World Report on CBC radio 1 and I've heard a lot of interesting (to say the least) stories in the last little while.  One that I heard this morning made me so offended that I feel a seething rage every time that I think about it.

The story is, four US Marines took a video of themselves urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.  Not only did they do this terrible act, they made jokes about it like "Have a great day Buddy!" and "He likes his shower".  Ugh!  It is a terrible, terrible atrocity.  I can't believe that someone would feel good about doing something like that.  Enemy or not, people are people and you don't defile the dead.  That's the ultimate taboo, in my opinion.  Urinating on someone's corpse out of sport, making a video of it and posting it proudly on the internet is disgraceful. Sometimes, when I hear stories like this, I don't feel like living on this planet any more.  Sometimes, humans make me sick.

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