Sunday 30 October 2011

After the Trial of Your Faith

"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."--Ether 12:6

The past few weeks have indeed been a trial of my faith.  As I stated in my last post, it finally reached a boiling point and I was having a hard time getting rid of the rage I felt inside of me.  A few things happened this week to help me dispel it, and help me see the bigger picture.  I also think I know why this trial happened.

First of all, I received an angry message from a friend I was fighting with.  He quoted some scripture to me that really incensed me, but I decided that I would humble myself enough to read the scriptures and really think about it rather than responding negatively.  Once read in context, they spoke some words that I needed to hear.  This scripture, read in context, actually helped the situation, rather than make me even more mad.

Secondly, I had another scripture come into my mind that I dwelt on.  It is from the Sermon on the Mount, and it was a really powerful tool in changing my attitude.

Thirdly, institute on Wednesday night was particularly great.  I always enjoy our class, but this week, the things we spoke about really touched me and helped me hear what I needed to hear.  We were reading in 2 Nephi 31, verses 20 and 21.  What really stood out to me were the phrases, "feasting upon the word of Christ" and "endure to the end".  I realized that I was more "nibbling" than "feasting" upon the words of Christ.  Even though I have been studying hard to teach my seminary class, I had figured that I would count that as my personal study as well.  However, I realized that I needed to do separate personal study as well to keep up with my Book of Mormon class and it made a huge difference once I started reading separately.

Fourthly, I had the opportunity to go to the temple yesterday and do baptisms.  We joined a small youth group from Vermont, and it was a great experience.  For two of the people who came, it was their first time attending the temple and I was able to speak with them about the process and bear testimony of the work with them.  It was an amazing day.

Lastly, I realized just before arriving at the temple that I had a question I needed answered.  I prayed in the temple about it, I thought about it after, I had someone ask me about it, I ended up listening to a Relief Society podcast about it, and stake conference spoke about it as well (at least to me it did).  Something clicked inside of me that said, this is why the adversary has been doing a number on you the last few weeks.  He was trying to prevent you from seeking after this blessing and he wanted you to harbour resentment and anger so that you couldn't receive revelation.  But because I attended my meetings, because I continued to pray and read my scriptures, because I attended the temple, in short, because I endured, the Lord has blessed me with some personal revelation.

1 Peter 1:7 says "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:".  This trial of my faith was indeed a blessing in disguise.  Sometimes the adversary works extra hard on you when he knows that good things are coming your way because of your valiance.  But, as you continue to feast upon the words of Christ, pray, and endure to the end, I know that you will come out on top.  The Atonement is there as an amazing tool for us.  This I know with all my heart and I am grateful for the trials that I have experienced in the last few weeks.  I am grateful for the personal revelation I have received because I endured. This Gospel is perfect and can help you withstand any trial that comes your way.  This I know to be true.

Until next time,

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