Sunday 25 September 2011

Looking Back

Last night, I had a short, but good converstation with a friend. She was telling me about the changes she is making in her life and it brought me back to when I was in almost her same position four years ago. I won't go into detail, but looking back on it, I realize just how far I've come. Four years ago I was in a very bad place. I was depressed and angry a lot of the time. I was frustrated at life and saw no point to anything that I was doing. And now...I can't even describe the change accurately.

In seminary, we were talking about The Fall this week. We spoke about how Adam and Eve lived in a state of innocence, not knowing joy or sorrow. That by partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, they would be subject to these emotions and have the opportunity to become like God. I am so grateful to them for making that decision. I have realized the importance of opposition.

Everything that I've been through in my life has made me understand why I'm here, where I'm going, and what I need to accomplish in this life. It is because of those bad experiences that I can fully appreciate all the blessings that I have right now. I'm not saying I don't have bad days now and then, but it's easier for me to be happy because I understand part of what my life's mission is all about. I thank Sheri Dew for that. If it wasn't for her speaking at our YSA conference last summer, I would have never really thought about it and tried to figure it out. Now, I'm on the path that will lead me to my ultimate destiny that is stated in my Patriarchal Blessing.

It amazes me the simplicity of The Plan, but how profound an influence it has on all of us. If you're in a bad place, if you're struggling, even if it's been for many years, know that the blessings will eventually come. I had to wait 4 years for mine, but they are very much worth it.

Until next time,


SAH in Suburbia said...

Nice post Jess!

Holly said...

Hey Jess -- good to see you so settled and happy :)