Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Recap--The bad, the good, the better

Hi all,

It's been many months since I last wrote, and much has happened.  A few weeks after my last post, my grandfather passed away.  He had been suffering from bladder cancer and it finally claimed his life.  I was with him in the hospital when he died and I am grateful that he didn't suffer for very long.  He had been battling this for years and it was under control until the last 2 years.  He didn't experience any severe pain until the last 2 weeks of his life.  Very merciful indeed.  He would have been 91 tomorrow.  I love him, and I miss him, and I think about him often but I'm glad that he is now with my grandmother again and we can do his temple work next year.

April and May were kind of a blur, with funeral plans, starting a second job, wedding plans, and still teaching seminary.  I feel like we may have alienated a few of our friends during this crazy and difficult time.  It's not because we're engaged and don't want to hang out with you guys, trust me, we do want to.  A lot.  Please contact us and hang out with us.  We will make time for you. 

As for wedding plans, things are going very smoothly.  My sister has been taking care of everything and just letting us know what we needed to do when we needed to do it.  It's really been a load off.  All of the big things are done-invitations, DJ, rings, temple bookings, endowment interviews (1 down 1 to go), new apartment, new job (for me, starting the end of August!), bachelorette party, wedding shower, and much more.  The only big thing left for me is to finish my wedding dress.  I have a 4th fitting with the seamstress next week and it should be almost done!  I'm really excited for the final product. 

All of that, working like crazy, getting jobs, losing jobs, getting released from callings, and attending the temple at least once a month, it's been tiring.  But we're finally feeling on track and that things are starting to cool off.  We'll be in a flurry about a week or so before the wedding,  but the next month should be relatively smooth sailing.  I'm really looking forward to getting my endowments in a few weeks.  It's going to be great!  That's pretty much the main update right now, but we'll try and keep you posted!

Until next time!

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