Thursday, 25 August 2011

Room Enough to Receive It

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (3 Nephi 24:10, Malachi 3:10)

Well, once again I'm suprised. I was so overwhelmed with the amazing blessings that have been coming to me the last 2 weeks that I forgot to check my storehouse...turns out I don't have room to receive them all! I realized tonight how much time needs to go into teaching early-morning seminary and also, how difficult it would be for me to get the hours at work that I need to help save money for school. I had a decision to make: work at the daycare for a few extra hours a week and sacrifice my prep time for seminary, or devote myself to my callings and be down a couple of bucks. I hope you know my character well enough by now to know what I chose. I've decided to quit the job at the daycare (before I even start) and also to ask to have one of my callings given to someone else (the one I haven't been officially called to or set-apart for yet).

From all of this, I have learned that it is actually possible to have too much of a good thing! That there are good, better, best options and it is up to us to use personal revelation to see what it is the Lord wants us to choose. All of the blessings I have been given the last few weeks were great, but I simply don't have room to receive them all. I firmly believe that by choosing to fulfill my callings to the best of my ability and by putting the Lord first in my life, that everything else will work itself out.

Until next time,

Monday, 22 August 2011

The Lord's Tender Mercies

It's amazing the difference a week can make! I have definitely felt the hand of the Lord in my life the last week and I am so grateful.

First off, I had a job interview at Play House Learning Centre to be a music teacher there...and I got the job! I don't have and ECE certificate (Early Childhood Education) or much teaching experience with kids, but they hired me anyway and I'm so excited! I'm going to be working with 5 different classes 2 days a week. The kids are ages 18 months to 4 years so it'll be lots of fun! I'm hoping to learn some fun kids songs to sing and teach them! I start September 6th.

Second, I got called and set apart as the second counsellor in the Relief Society in the Dow's Lake ward. I'm really excited about this calling, even though I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought, well, this is great. I asked for a second job that will give me experience, and I got it. I asked for a new calling and I got it. Little did I know that wasn't the end of it.

After I got set apart for that calling yesterday, my Stake President pulled me aside and offered me another calling (if you're keeping track, we're up to 3 now!). This one is one that I wanted and had asked to do because I'm interested in getting into the program. That is, teaching seminary. I got asked to teach early-morning seminary for the combined youth of Riverside and Champlain wards. Apparently they had someone else lined up to do it, but once they heard how badly I wanted to teach and get into the C.E.S. program, they offered up their spot to me instead. Whoever they are, I am so greatful!

Basically, everything that I asked for in being back has been given to me and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for giving these things to me. I know that these experiences will help me to grow as an individual as well as a person, so I am very excited for this. I will keep you posted, but for now, I am extremely happy and nervous at teaching both little kids and teenagers. Wish me luck!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Life, or Something Like it

I know, I know, it's been 6 shoot me. I've never been good at the consistent blog thing. Lots has happened. Here's the rundown in a few key points:

-I missed a deadline for school and have to wait a year to re-apply
-I sold all my furniture and moved back to Ottawa for the year (I hope only that long!)
-I'm back working at Subway and trying to find something in the childcare field

That's the gist of it. I've been home for a month now and it's been pretty hard. It wasn't until last night that I finally had some clarity to my thoughts. I had some friends over and was distracted most of the night. Once they left, I swam some laps in the pool (I'm house-sitting for a neighbour) to blow off some steam, and then I sat and just thought about everything for a good 2 hours. It was quite liberating I must say. The thinking alternated with praying and eventually a feeling of peace came over me. All my doubts, all my anxieties and resentment was taken away and I feel revitalized.

I realized last night, that this year can be something great, but it won't be unless I make sure it is. Therefore, bumming around, complaining, and feeling angry isn't going to get me anywhere. That being said, I'm trying to be better, look forward with faith, and stop being like Lot's wife and dwelling on and yearning for the past. It is amazing the power the Atonement has to lift you and comfort you when you most need it.

I also have 2 callings that I will be receiving in the next few weeks. I am excited for both of them and I know that they will help me to have a better experience here this year.

As for what I'm up to now, I've been working and in my spare time, reading from a list of books that I have wanted to read for a while now. I started in on the list mid April (there are about 60 books on there) and since then, I've managed to cross 8 off and I'm working on the 9th. Through this, I've realized how much great literature I've been missing out on all of these years! I've got a lot of catchin up to do!

Until next time,